
The founding Wadden Seaports of this website signed a Letter of Intent on 17 May 2018 at the second Trilateral Wadden Seaport Conference. They  represent different types of ports that provide a vital socio-economic role in their local and regional surroundings. A few of them are international gateways for the European economy. They are aware that they are situated next to a sensitive habitat – Wadden Sea World Heritage – and that their operation can have a direct or indirect influence on the stability of ecosystem services and vitality of sensitive habitats. The coexistence of Ports with the surrounding Wadden Sea Area needs common strategies for the future. The Wadden Sea Ports understand themselves as partners in environmental protection and intent to reduce their impact on the environment.

In addition, the signatories are aware of their responsibility for environmental protection and intent to be a part of a balanced spatial development. On this basis they intend to work closer on solutions to realize synergies and learn from different approaches.

For this reason the Wadden Sea Ports are entering into a discussion in which they are considering a long-term cooperation on nature related sustainability subjects. This includes the development of common statements, the establishment of working groups to solve open issues, inviting partners to share best-practices and the raising of awareness for the sustainable use of the Wadden Sea (e.g. by ports) in the public.

The Partners agree to cope with their responsibility towards the World Heritage Site depending on their location in the Wadden Sea. The ports strengthen this by collaboration and invite interested partners to work together on the following, but not exclusively, major aspects:

  • Sustainable port operations
  • Nature development in line with Port interests